University of Sussex (planning)
Advisory role to accommodate increased student beds on campus and consent for a new student services building
The University of Sussex
Brighton & Hove City Council
2,117 student bedrooms in 23 residential buildings, 7.5 hectare student residential site
The University of Sussex put out a competitive tender to secure a partner to provide the student accommodation and associated social facilities within its campus masterplan. Won by Balfour Beatty with tp bennett as architect and planning advisor the partnership has the potential to provide over 4,000 new beds as part of a long-term plan to accommodate an increased number of students on campus.
tp bennett were planning advisors to Balfour Beatty for their joint ‘reserved matters’ planning application with the University for the first phase of 2,117 new beds in 23 residential buildings on the East Slope site.
To secure planning extensive pre-application negotiations took place with the Council under a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA). In addition planning consent for a new student services building was secured via a separate detailed planning application.
As the site was close to listed buildings by Sir Basil Spence, including Grade I and Grade II* ratings, and because the university is surrounded by the newly-designated South Downs National Park a sensitive architectural and landscape design approach was required. Building began in 2017.