The Porter Building – first WELL certified office building
January 24, 2018

The Porter Building in Slough is the first building in the UK to achieve WELL Core and Shell certification at Gold Level
The WELL Building Standard is an international performance-based assessment methodology, grounded in medical research that is exclusively focused on human health and wellbeing in the built environment.
The standard has become a key marker of new office design in the US, and an increasing number of major UK office developments currently under construction are registered for the rating. However, The Porter Building is the first in the country to achieve WELL Core and Shell certification, attaining a rating of Gold, the second highest.
Designed by tp bennett, The Porter Building has been developed to maximise the wellbeing of its occupiers, with abundant natural light, fresh air, specially filtrated drinking water, healthy eating options, indoor planting, noise reduction measures and a layout aimed at encouraging movement around the workplace.