How do we design the next generation of spaces to learn and work?
August 5, 2024
“We as designers have a responsibility to create environments that aren’t just one size fits all. We have to offer settings that appeal to a diverse array of people and not just assume that every environment is going to allow everyone to thrive….I’m not sure there’s ever going to be one space that suits everybody, that’s why variety and options are so important.”
A new generation demands a new way of learning.
As a generation of students recover from a lacking education experience brought on by the pandemic, a hybrid approach and social wellbeing remain a priority. So, do campuses and education spaces need a rethink to cater to this new (and next) generation? Just like the workplace, the panel agrees that the next few years will see hybrid learning continue to grow – and creating new ways to support this will be a high priority for education institutions to attract a generation of disenfranchised learners.
In a roundtable for Mix Interiors, Associate Director Amy Barrs explores what it means to design the next generation of spaces to learn and work and how to create adaptive, inclusive and inspiring educational and workplace environments.
Read or watch the discussion here.